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ODMP Europe in German

In memory of these police officers who gave their lives for the society of their respective countries.


Germany (1577)

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Service Dog Paula (10)
03/09/2024, Deutschland

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Coming Days Of Death (7)

Employee Ute Kirsch (56)
08/09/2022, Berlin

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Condolences (48)

Police Officer (Higher Service) Alexander Klos (56)
11/02/2022, Berlin

Dear Alex, I think it's great that I was able to meet you.... I am so sorry for what happened to you, you were a good, kind person.... No one deserves to be ripped from life so painfully and brutally. Now you are a guardian angel for your blue family and protect them from evil....

Aurora, 11/02/2022

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Deceased Service Dogs (5)

Service Dog
03/09/2024, Deutschland

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