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Entries & Support


Entries on ODMP Europe
The content of this website is and has been researched on the Internet. Anyone who wants to contribute to the design of this website can make an entry here. This also applies to entries about deceased police officers. We reserve the right to carefully check entries for their accuracy and, if necessary, not to put them online! We do not raise any objection to the completeness. Since we do not want to be a data collector, we cannot check the origin of the entries either. In the case of entries, we have to assume that they do not violate copyright law and have at least been checked for their truthfulness. If it is possible for us, entries will be checked by us before they are published. If entries violate applicable law, we ask for an e-mail to clarify the facts. Here we also refer to our disclaimer & legal information.

Support ODMP Europe
The creation, maintenance or maintenance of this website involves many costs and efforts. The website operator always tries to keep this website up to date in his spare time. We would be grateful if you could help maintain this website. There are the following options for this: On the one hand, it is possible to buy some merchandise products through our partner "Spreadshirt". We receive a small percentage of agency commission from every sale. The products designed there also took some time to design. On the other hand, you can also make entries here in order to keep the website up-to-date and interesting for website visitors. Of course, we are also happy to accept suggestions for improvement. Simply send us an e-mail.

Furthermore, our mother tongue is German. All other language versions were designed with a translator. Probably this will not have translated everything correctly. Should you see any errors, we would be delighted if you inform us accordingly :-) Thank you very much...

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